Multiple things can be true at the same time. Our very existence proves that. We exist as multitudes, holding multiple truths not only about ourselves but about the world around us. For instance, the rise in anti-Jewish violence must be condemned AND we must continue to demand an end to the oppression of Palestinians.
By embracing these multiple truths, these manifold selves, we resist the rigid monoculture paradigm of a system that demands one way of doing things, one truth, one allegiance, one mind.
If you're like me - a white person with a background that criss-crosses borders from Europe to the Middle East, you may struggle with the word "home." It might feel hopeless digging into a deep past, before colonialism, to find when our people lived with the land, not just off it.
Pulling from Braiding Sweetgrass, I dig in - literally and figuratively - to the earth beneath us, far from "home," and how we can be good neighbors and family members regardless of where on earth we land.